Registration for NEW and returning students will be done through our Parent Portal website.
Registration is now open for ALL Returning and NEW students. If you are registering a student that attended KISD last year (2023-24) skip down to the RETURNING STUDENTS section of this page.
If you do not have a Parent Portal account, then you will need to create one with the steps below. If you have any problems or questions, email Spencer Mathews for help. His email is If you already have a parent portal account you can skip to the New Student Registration instructions below.
Here are the steps to create a Parent Portal account.
- Go to
- Click on the Create Account button.

- Fill in the information requested to create a username and password and enter your email address. The phone number is optional.

- Select the one of the security questions from the dropdown menu and enter your answer (they are case sensitive so if you enter Lion for your mascot, you will need be sure it’s a capital L when you answer your security question.

- Click on the green Finish button.

- Check your email for the Email Verification. It should have a link in the email that you click to “Validate Email”. Once you do that you should get a page that says “Your Email has been verified successfully.”
If you already have an account and you’re not sure if your email account is verified, here is how you can check.
- Login to Parent Portal here,
- If your email account is NOT verified you will get a warning message that pops up like this.

- To verify your email account, click on the Re-send button in the Contact Information section seen below.

- Check your email for the Email Verification. It should have a link in the email that you click to “Validate Email”. Once you do that you should get a page that says “Your Email has been verified successfully.”
Once you have a Parent Portal account setup and your email verified, you can do the NEW Student Registration below.
If you are trying to register a Returning student (one that completed KISD last year) and you just created your account or you are missing a student from your account, you will need to email to get your student’s Portal ID so that you can add your student to your Parent Portal account. Be sure to include your student’s name(s) in the email and possibly their grade level. Once you have your students added to your account you can follow the directions at the end of this page for registering your Returning student.
Here are the steps to Enroll a NEW Student (one that did not attend Kountze ISD last year)
Here are the steps to register your NEW student(s)
- Go to Parent Portal here, and login to your account.
- Click on the Enroll a New Student Button. If you do not see this button you may have to click on the profile icon in the top right corner (silhouette of a person) and then click on MY ACCOUNT.

- Fill in the student’s First, Middle and Last name, and if applicable, Generation and click CONTINUE.
- On the ENROLLMENT KEY page just enter the letters that you see and click CONTINUE.
- It should say “Your key has been created and verified” and click CONTINUE.
- Click on ADD ADDRESS and enter your address. If you receive your mail at your physical address you can click the blue COPY button to copy the information to the Mailing Address. Once you have that information, click SAVE.
- Click on ADD CONTACT and fill in the information requested. If you don’t have something on the page, just skip it. Click on SAVE. Then continue to click on ADD CONTACT and enter contact information and SAVE each one until you have all of your student’s contacts listed and then click on Continue.
- Select Add/Edit info to select the student you have entered.
- Select the contacts that are to be assigned to the student by checking the boxes and select ONE of them to be the PRIMARY CONTACT.
- Fill in the rest of the things requested on this page. (DOB, Sex, SSN, Ethnicity).
- If you can take a picture of your Proof of Residency, Driver’s License (front and back), the student’s birth certificate and Immunizations documentation, you can upload these on this page. Click on the blue DOCUMENT button on the corresponding line and it will bring up a dialog box for you to locate the file to upload. Once you have the documents uploaded, click on SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- You then need to click the link in each of the 12 steps and complete each one before you can click the ENROLL STUDENT at the bottom of the page.
Some of the things in the 12 steps will require you to select information in the box and some are just information for you to read and when you click SAVE you are verifying that you have read the information in the box. Once you have a check mark on all 12 items in the list, you should be able to click the ENROLL STUDENT button at the bottom of the page.
Returning Student Online Registration (Students that completed the 2023-24 school year in KISD)
If you have a student that attended Kountze ISD last year and you DO NOT have a Parent Portal account, you need to use the instructions above to create an account. Once you create your account please email your student(s) name(s) so I can send you the Portal ID you will need to add your student(s) to your account.
Here are the steps to register your student for the 2024-2025 school year.
Once you have a parent portal account and we have your email account, you should get a “continue registration” button when you login to Parent Portal that looks like this.
Even though you can’t see the whole button, just click on RESUME and it will start the registration process.
If you do not get the pop-up box, you should see a Registration button below your student on the Summary page to click on and then you will clcik on the Start Registration button like the one shown below.

If it DOES NOT ask to RESUME REGISTRATION or there is NOT a REGISTRATION button on a particular student, please make sure your email account is verified in your Parent Portal account (see instructions above). If you still do not have an option to register your student please email for help. Please include your phone number and issue in the email.
- The first page you will see is your student’s information. If anything is incorrect, just delete it and make the changes needed(some information can’t be changed). Here is what that page will look like.

- Once you’ve verified the information and made any changes, click on the SAVE FORM button and then on the NEXT FORM button.
- The second page you will see is the Contact Information. If you have more than one contact assigned to your student you will see a box at the top with each person’s name in the box. You will need to click on each name and verify the information and save the FORM. Be sure to click on EACH name at the top before you click on NEXT FORM. Again, if anything needs to be changed, just delete the old information and make the changes needed. Here is what the page will look like. If you need to ADD a contact, just click the ADD CONTACT button and fill in the information and click on SAVE FORM. If you need to DELETE a contact from a student, just click the checkbox at the bottom of the page that says “Mark for Deletion”.

- Once you have verified/created ALL of the contact information, click on SAVE FORM and then NEXT FORM.
- After the contact information page will be a copy of the 2024-25 Calendar for you to download/print. Click NEXT FORM to move on after you’ve downloaded/printed the calendar.
- Once you’ve done that, click NEXT FORM and it will move on through the rest of the forms. There are about 12-14 more forms to fill out. Most of them only require you to click a link to a document like the handbook, chromebook policy, etc, and click NEXT FORM to verify that you have viewed the information. Some of them require certain information before you can move on. Just continue filling out the forms and clicking on NEXT FORM until you reach the end. On the last page you will see a FINISH AND SUBMIT TO DISTRICT button shown below. Click it and you are finished with that student.

When you’re totatly done with a student you will see the following below their picutre on the Summary page.

Complete these steps for each of your students.